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Avoca Wart and Verruca Medication

Maximum Quantity Allowed:
1 Stick

Avoca wart and verruca medication is a prescription medication used to treat warts and verrucas. It belongs to a class of drugs called antivirals, which work by preventing the growth of viruses.

Product supplied may be from a different manufacturer

Fastest delivery:
Order by 03:00pm


What is Avoca Wart and Verruca Medication?

Avoca is a medication that is used to clear out persistent warts and verrucas that are often found on the hands and feet. Avoca can also be used to remove excess tissues that form on the skin whenever a wound is healing.

How Does Avoca Warts and Verruca Medication Work?

Warts are small growth on the skin that are caused when the human Papillomavirus (HPV) enters the body through a cut or abrasion on the skin. Warts tend to occur on the hands and face while verruca is located on the soles of the foot and toes. Warts multiply quickly and can be passed on by direct contact with infected surfaces therefore, they require immediate treatment to prevent them from spreading to other body parts or others. The medication works by disinfecting the skin and destroying the granulation tissues until they disappear.

Avoca Wart and Verruca Treatment is a precise and effective solution for removing warts and verrucas. Its active ingredient, silver nitrate, destroys the unwanted tissue through a cauterization process. The treated tissue turns black and can then be removed with the provided emery board, usually within one week of treatment. This treatment is not suitable for genital warts and sensitive areas.

It is used to treat cautery, granulation tissues, wound healing, and non-genital warts and verruca.


  • Consult your doctor if you are diabetic and treating warts and verruca
  • Follow the instructions given by your doctor or read the packaging before use
  • Do not use Avoca near your eyes or to treat genital warts
  • If you are pregnant, breastfeeding or planning to have a baby, consult your doctor before using this medication.
  • Avoca is caustic, therefore, be cautious and avoid placing it on clothing or furniture to prevent burning.


Avoca is a painless and fast home medication for warts and should be used following the instructions:

  • Dissolve the medication in a small amount of water before applying it to the skin
  • Stir the tip of the pencil in the water for a few seconds to allow the active ingredients to dissolve
  • Once the tip is coated in water, place it gently without applying pressure on the affected skin
  • Avoid touching healthy skin or surfaces using the tip to avoid contamination.
  • Dry the treated area before getting in contact with other surfaces.
  • Repeat this process until the remaining wart or verruca is completely treated.


Silver nitrate and potassium nitrate. 

Side Effects

Like other medications, Avoca can also cause mild to severe side effects such as:

  • Blood disorder
  • Staining on the skin
  • Skin irritation

If symptoms persist seek immediate medical assistance. Also, remember to store Avoca out of sight and reach of pets and children.